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Causes of Teeth Discoloration

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A lot of people are embarassed because their teeth are discolored. In fact, a lot are willing to spend a lot on teeth whitening. Having beautiful teeth is very important. We smile and greet people several times a day. It will make us feel good if we have a beautiful smile. However as we grow older, our teeth darkens due to several reasons.

What causes teeth discoloration? Here are some of the common causes. Some are avoidable but others just come naturally.

  • Beverage and certain food – Coffee, tea, colas cause your teeth to darken. Potatoes, apples can also cause it.
  • Tobacco –  It will not only stain your teeth but could also cause gum disease and even oral cancer.
  • Poor Dental Hygiene – If you really love coffee and you can’t quit smoking, the best you can do to combat this is to be diligent in brushing and flossing your teeth. And don’t forget to have your teeth checked and cleaned in a dental office.
  • Disease – There are certain diseases that affect the enamel and dentin. And there are also some treatment like chemotherapy that can discolor teeth. It could also affect the teeth of your child if you’re pregnant and you’re undergoing treatment.
  • Medication – Antibiotics like tetracycline and doxycycline can stain the teeth. Drugs like antihistamines , antipsychotic drugs and antihypertensive medications can discolor teeth. Even mouthwashes and rinses that help clean your your teeth and mouth can stain your teeth.
  • Genes
  • Aging – As people age, their teeth darkens.
  • Excessive fluoride – If you live in an area with high level of fluoride, you can expect teeth discoloration.

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