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The Importance of Braces on Kids

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Today’s braces are so different from those used decades ago. In fact, it is no longer difficlut to convince teens to wear braces because they look fun, colorful and even fashionable. There are even braces that seem invisible – Invisalign aligners.

A lot of teenagers wear braces. According to dental experts, about two-thirds of teenagers have dental problems that need to be corrected by braces. They either have crooked teeth, overlapping teeth, overwcrowded teeth or teeth that have gaps.The primary reason that they have braces is to align their teeth or correct their bite. Braces may cost much but parents know it’s worth every buck. Braces can ensure their dental health and good looks. They know it’s an investment that will pay of in the end. For those who want to correct their teeth without people knowing it, there are invisible aligners called Invisalign.

What if they don’t wear braces?

Sad to say, dental problems are not something that your child will just outgrow. As they grow older, the problem will either worsen or become more complicated. It will also compromise their qaulity of life. Chewing, biting and grinding will become difficult for them. Misaligned teeth can wear out enamel quickly and cause more damage.

When do I start bringing my child to an orthodontist?

It is ideal to schedule an orthodontic visit when your child starts growing permanent teeth. Usually between five and seven years old. You may have a family dentist who will recommend you to an orthodontist when he or she sees there’s a need for it. Or you can also ask other parent friends. Do not underestimate early detection. There are dental problems that are eaasier to treat when the jaw bone is not fully formed yet. Early detection can also facilitate early treatment plan that can save you money and duration of treatment could be less. It can also save your child from unnecessary discomfort. Let your children know that braces are just temporary. And as soon as their done with the treatment plan, they’ll have beautiful, straight teeth. Having braces will spare them from teasing, insecurity and dental problems.

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