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Orthodontics Go Beyond Teeth Straightening

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Most people think that orthodontists are no more than dentists that straighten teeth. But this is just part of the sotry. To be an orthodontist you need to study not only dentistry but medicine, pharmacy and even physics and engineering. Aside from the studies they also need to have a good eye and hands of a craftsman. You also need to have supplementary skills in psychology, investigation and business. To be an orthodontist you need to undergo a lot of years in school. After you graduate from college, you need to study four years dentistry courses and another two years to specialize in orthodontics. But the studying doesn’t stop there.

Orthodontics have gone through a lot of developments for the past few years. Now metal braces are becoming a thing of the past and new braces like cermaic and invisible aligners have emerged. Aside from these, there are new tools, techniques and materials and drugs to study. In addition to this, cosmetic dentistry and adult braces which didn’t exist before are new fields to master.

Like most things today, developments keep emerging at a fast pace. To keep up with this, orthodntists must update their knowledge every two to four years. Some states even require that they study new courses in orthodontics if they want to keep their license. Aside from this, they need to update themselves through professional journals, magazines, websites and various media available. But what makes it easier for them is that there now 3,000 to 5,000 registered organizations that can provide continuing education courses to those in the dental profession. There are also so many trainings available annually. From this, orthodontic professionals can choose the course they feel can help their profession most.

Orthodontics is a science, an art, a profession and a commitment to give the best care and treatment for the teeth.

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