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Orthodontic Dentistry for Adults

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Seeking treatment to straighten crooked teeth is not something that can be done impulsively. If an adult patient goes to their orthodontist for braces, they can’t expect their dentist to work on it right away. Careful evaluation and planning should be done first since there are dental health matters involved.

Gum disease

Having crooked or overlapping teeth inhibits you from cleaning your teeth thoroughly. Because of this, bacteria builds up in hard to reach areas and causes gum disease. In this case, your orthodontist will require you to see a dental hygienist or a periodontist so your gums can undergo cleaning or treatment before he or she can begin straightening your teeth. During the course of your teeth-straightening treatment, you and your orthodontist should still pay attention to your gums for signs of any problem. In the early part of the treatment, he or she might need to use less pressure on the gums so that attachments on the gums can strengthen. If you want to know more about dental cleaning or gum treatment, check the gum disease and hygiene sections for more information.

Missing teeth

Orthodontic devices require an anchor to attach itself so the teeth can be pushed or pulled in the right position. If you have a missing teeth on the area where it’s needed, your orthodontist will ask you to replace the missing tooth or teeth before he can start straightening your teeth.

Jaw joint problems

Recently mor and more patients with jaw joint problems are seeking help from dentists. They can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. Before any work towards teeth straightening can be done, your jaw joint and bite problem needs to be addressed. The end result will be beautiful, straight teeth with a good bite.

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