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Dental Braces and Orthodontics Today

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Usually when you say braces, people think about pre-teens wearing colorful metal on their teeth. But modern dentistry brought a lot of development and options in dental braces. Now, more adults are considering braces for themselves.

Why do adults need braces?

Braces straighten crooked teeth. A lot of adults have gone through most of their lives with crooked teeth because maybe their parents didn’t have enough money to correct their teeth when they were younger. To some, they may have developed their crooked teeth only recently. What’s important is the fact that now, there are braces available to straighten adult teeth.

The importance of having straight teeth goes beyond a beautiful smile. Crooked teeth can be a good place to hide bacteria. And because the teeth cover parts of each other, they cannot be cleaned thoroughly. This causes bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease. Protruding teeth can affect how you eat and speak and might give you a low self-esteem.

Because of the developments in orthodontics, adults can now have braces and have a chance to achieve straighter teeth and a beautiful smile. Plus, braces now are more discreet and there are now several options available. Having straight teeth and a beautiful smile can make you feel good about yourself and give you a more beautiful smile.

What orthodontic choices do I have?

Modern denstistry has brought us more and better options than before. Now adults can wear braces that are more comfortable, less obvious or even, invisible braces. Treatment period is also shorter compared before. Modern orthodontics have created more efficient and effective braces. This means less trips to your dentist.

Older version of braces use bands that go around the teeth. Newer braces made of metal or plastic brackets use thin, soft wires. There are also braces that use brackets and hide behind the teeth. These types of braces make use of a wire to move teeth into the right position. If you don’t know which will work best for you, don’t worry. Your orthodontist is there to help you.

Braces are usually worn for 18 – 30 months depending on the treatment plan. After the braces are removed, you will need to wear retainers to keep your teeth in place. How long you will need to wear retainers depend on your orthodontist’s assessment.

Caring for your braces

Regardless of the kind of braces you wear, caring for them is generally the same. They need special care and tools so you can clean them thoroughly. Sticky food like gum and soft candy should be avoided. As well as hard to chew food like tough meat, unsliced carrots, corn, hard candy or ice. But all this extra care will be worth it. Having braces can open doors to a better, brighter quality of life.

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