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Ceramic Braces for Adults

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Braces as we knew them were expensive and for children. But now more and more adults are turning to dental braces to correcet their teeth. And it’s actually a good decision.

Braces now are more comfortable, less obvious and lighter. Modern dentistry has opened for us many options for dental braces. Now there are even natural-looking braces like invisible aligners and ceramic braces that look like natural teeth. Ceramic braces are ideal for those who want to correct their teeth without people noticing. They can even blend with the natural color of your teeth. They may however not be as strong as metal baces. Metal bands are becoming a thing of the past. Plastics and bonding adhesives are now being used. Adhesives are used to attach brackets and wire onto the teeth. And there are braces that look invisible. Lingual braces can even make small gaps seem invisible.

Recently, Nitinol, a new metal was discovered through NASA. It is strong enough to withstand force brought about by orthodontic devices and still keep its shape.

If all of these options sound good to you, gather more information on them so you can find out which is ideal for you. Don’t forget to talk to your orthodontist about it.

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