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The Process Behind Invisalign Braces

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Invisible braces is truly a technological wonder. We’ve been used to traditional metal braces that it’s hard to understand how a clear device without any metal could also do the job. Did you know that invisalign braces come from 3D images? So how does a 3D image become invisible aligners?

The creation of invisalign braces are a product of state of the art computers. Customized orthodontics manufacturing process is in fact revolutionary. It’s the fisrt of its kind. Here’s how advanced computer technology is used to produce invisalign braces:

  • Making invisalign braces require accuracy. To achieve this,  your orthodontist take impressions of your teeth.
  • Invisalign specialists send the impression to Invisalign so they can make plaster models of your teeth.
  • The plaster models are then transformed into accurate 3D images with the use of advanced imaging technology.
  • Based on your approved ClinCheck® file, laser scans are used to make models that show every step of the treatment plan.
  • If your orthodontist wants to review your ClinCheck® file, he or she can access it online and if necessary, edit them as he sees fit.
  • ClinCheck® is a computerized video showing the expected movement of your teeth throughout the treatment plan.
  • This is where the invisible aligners are patterned from. Once they’re done, they are sent to your orthodontist and is handed to you. You will be given a set of aligners. Each aligner should be worn for 2 weeks. But they can be removed when you eat or brush or floss your teeth.
  • By the time you’re done with the course of the treatment, you’re sure to have beautiful, straight teeth.

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