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What You Need to Know About Dental Implantology

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We’ve heard a lot of stories surrounding dental implantology. It was heard once on the radio that people who have missing teeth can still eat steak or corn on a cob. Thanks to tooth implants. They say that tooth implants is not only for cosmetic purposes but it can actually restore function.

Understanding Dental Implants
Dental implant procedures may change as they are developed over time. The materials used and the process involved may change. Dental implant is a good option to removable dentures. A screw or cylinder is inserted into the jaw (in the place of the missing tooth). You wait  for it to heal. Healing period ranges from two to six months. When it has healed, posts are placed on the implant and over it, they put a fixed bridge. It is capped by an artificial crown which looks like real teeth. It will look as if you never missed a tooth.

Why Choose Implants Over Dentures?
Almost half of the population of seniors (65 and older) have a missing tooth. Some people turn to dentures. However, dentures are removable. The problem is sometimes they come off even when you don’t want them to. Dentures that don’t fit you well brings about dental problems. It can cause damage to your teeth, gums or jawbone.

Aside from Implants or Dentures, are there other options?
The only other option you have is to go without a tooth and bear the effects of a missing tooth.

Exploring Osseointegration
Some implant dentists go for osseointegrated dental implants. This means the fusion of bone and metal which is compatible with human body. This process has gone through a lot of testing to see which metal or device works best. So far, a titanium device called the Branemark implant made from Sweden has proven to last the longest. Its success rate is 95% in 20 years.

What does it take for a tooth implant to be a success?
In an osseointegrated implant, it lies in the integration of the bone and the metal. Bone starts growing in the metal. Chemical and mechanical bond is made. The measure of its success is the duration that the patient stays happy because it has served its purpose.

Different people have different needs according to their dental condition. Some patients need only one implant; some two or more.  However, for patients who are suffering severe bone loss, dental implant is no longer an option. This is because there isn’t enough bone that can support an overdenture. But for those whose jawbone is fit to handle a tooth implant, success is usually guaranteed.

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