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Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

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If you have a missing tooth or teeth, the primary solution you can think of is to get dental implants. But before you go through the procedure, it’s important that you know some basic and important facts about it so you can determine if dental implants is the smart choice for you. Here are a few questions you need to ask your implant dentist.

What are dental implants?

A dental implant is an artificial tooth that is surgically planted in the jawbone to replace a missing tooth. Healing time takes 2-6 months. During this time, the bone fuses with the metal creating a strong anchor for the new artificial tooth. When this is done, a dental crown or bridge is placed over the anchor.

How are dental implants done?

Before starting with a thorough examination of your mouth including x-rays. This step is not limited to your dental health. The implant dentist needs to be sure that you are healthy enough for implants. Once the dentist has mapped out a treatment plan, he or she starts with sthe procedure. The patient is about to undergo surgery therefore local anesthesia is required. Then implant anchors are inserted in your jawbone. Then the healing period begins. It may vary from two to six or even eight months depending on the patient’s dental and health condition. During this healing period, the bone and the metal fuses together. Once it’s strong enough, the dentist caps the anchor with a dental crown to make it look like your original tooth.

What if the bone doesn’t fuse well with the metal?

The metal is removed and you wait for the area to heal. Then the dentist replaces it with a new one.

How many dental implants can be placed?

The answer to this question is determined by several factors. Usually, one tooth is replaced with one tooth. Dentists also need to consider the health and strength of your jawbone. And of course, the financial capacity of the patient also plays a big role.

Trust your dentist to determine what he or she thinks is right for the success of your dental implant. It is useless to start the procedure with not enough implants to support the teeth. If money is a problem, the dentist should look for an alternative treatment rather than provide inadequate dental implant treatment.

Knowing these information about dental implants should help you make informed decisions about your teeth and you can work proactively with your dentist.

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