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Dental Implants: Can I Afford It?

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Getting dental implants can be such an ordeal especially if you are not sure if you can afford the fee. The cost of implants is influenced by determinants such as your health condition, the degree of the dental problem, the complexity of the procedure and the materials that will be used.

Modern dentistry provides you with options in dental implants. One of them is called Osseointegrated implant. It’s a procedure where the bone grows with the implant. What’s good about implants is that they could last forever if you just take care of them. Dentists put different kinds of implants depending on the need. They will tell you if you need one, two, three or even four implants. If your original tooth can still be saved, they might advise you to go for a bridge instead.

There are some cases where the jawbone is not strong enough, your dentist will advise you against an implant. But if your jawbone is strong and you can wait for your implant to heal (a few months), implants will be a good choice. It will be as good as your real teeth.

If you are looking to get dental implants and you don’t know where to start or you want more information on the procedure and rates, simply fill out the form on this page and hit Submit. Then we will generate a list of implant specialists in your area. Get in touch with them so they can help you make informed choices about your dental health.

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