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Frequently Asked Questions About Root Canal

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What does endodontics mean?

A branch of dentistry that deals with problems in the tooth root, dental pulp and tissue around it.

What is dental pulp?

It is the area in the center of the tooth that contain nerves and blood vessels.

How did “root canal” get its name?

A tooth has 3 main parts: the crown, dentin and dental pulp. The crown or enamel is the top part of the tooth. It is the part that is visible. The dentin is the part right below the enamel. It encases the dental pulp. The pulp is the core of the tooth. Through root canals, it is connected to the Mandibular canal.

When is a root canal procedure necessary?

Getting a root canal procedure is necessary if the tooth is badly infected or the pulp is damaged. Your dentist takes an x-ray or pulp test to guage if you need it.

What happens in a root canal procedure?

If a dental pulp is infected, it needs to be taken out. This process is called endodontic treatment or root canal. To begin the procedure, your dentist needs to numb the area. A protective sheet called a dental dam is placed over the tooth to keep it dry. A hole is made in the top part or back of the tooth to reach the pulp chamber. Your dentist will then remove the pulp. then the doctor cleans the pulp chamber and root canals. The entire canal should be cleaned before it is filled with filling material. This should prevent bacteria from entering the area. The last step would be to put a dental crown over it.

What causes damage to the dental pulp?

  • untreated dental decay
  • decay from a filling
  • damage to a tooth caused by trauma
  • tooth grinding
  • periodontal disease

What happens if an infected dental pulp is left untreated?

The infected pulp will eventually die. The infection will worsen and will devdelop an abscess. If the problem reaches the bone holding your teeth, it will cause you to lose a tooth.

What is the importance of computers in dentistry?

Computers and compact disks are very helpful in storing patient record and information. It also allows important images to be sotred and shared easily.  A computer beside the dental chair allows your dentist to see images from your mouth, including before and after images, making diagnosis and treatment faster and more accurate. If the computer has voice recognition software, finding files will be a lot more efficient for the dental team.

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