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What Happens In A Dental Examination

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Once in a while, we need to undergo a dental examination. Dental exams are important not only for your dental health but for your general health as well. During the session, your dentist examines the lining of your mouth. They check for signs of any abnormality, mouth disease, gum problems and tooth decay. They also check if there are swollen lymph nodes in your neck. Of course, your teeth are also checked for tartar, plaque,or if there is a need for your artificial teeth to be replaced.

Dental examinations are not complete wihout your dentist looking into your medical background or if there are medicines you are currently taking. Your face and neck is also examined for any change in the color of the skin. They feel the back of your neck for swelling or tenderness. They look for any indication that there might be a growth of lymph nodes somewhere in the ears, in the bottom part of the mouth and chin and around the neck.

During dental exams, prepare to have your whole mouth examined – your lips, cheeks, mouth, gums. Expect your dentist to have you position your tongue behind your upper two front teeth. This is so he could see the sides of your tongue and the inside of your lower mouth. Your dentist will also need to inspect the back of your mouth. To do this, he will grasp the tip of your tongue with a gauze sponge. The dentist will pull your tongue forward and move it in the opposite sides of your mouth.

If the dentist is using a dental mirror or tongue blade to push down your tongue the dentist is checking the area around your tonsil, throat and soft palate. The dentist will use a finger to feel the inside of your mouth while his other hand feels below your chin to check for swelling. Your saliva is also examined. The dental team will stimulate the production of saliva so they can assess the consistency and quality of the saliva.

Modern dentistry has given us new and improved tools to detect dental problems faster and more acurately. But basic dental tools still prove to be very useful. If the patient’s condition calls for it, more complex and advance dental tests are available.

Microbilogocial testing is available for those who want their salivas checked for cavity-causing organisms and gauge their chance of developing cavities. A person can also determine their risk for gum disease through periodontal susceptibility tests. A person’s DNA is needed to assess a person’s risk for gum disease. For patients wearing dentures, their bite, retention, stability and fit are also checked. Sometimes it is necessary to take pictures to compare before and after treatment. Dental impressions are also sometimes made to examine tooth structures.

Aside from the examination, the dentist will also ask you about your daily oral care regimen. The dentist might recommend some new products or methods that could help you improve your dental health. Information gathered from your dental exams will greatly improve your dental health or help in a treatment you’re currently undergoing.

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