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Understanding Dental Implant Procedures

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If you are one of those who’s missing a tooth or some teeth or all of your teeth, don’t worry. In fact, there are millions of Americans who are just like you.

Before, dentures were the most popular solution to teeth loss. However dentures could damage your gums and remaining teeth. Plus it can be very uncomfortable that some people would rather go out without any teeth than continue to wear their dentures.

So some people turn to dental implants. What’s good about them is that you don’t have to worry about your teeth slipping off. And they’re more comfortable. However, you’ll need to go through surgery to have them in place.

With modern dentistry we now have what is called osseo-integration. This is a process where titanium is inserted into the jawbone and over time, the bone cells grow around the metal. The result of this is a strong tooth that stays in place. This is just a short and very simple explanation of the process. If you have a missing tooth and you think this is a good idea for you to get in touch with your dentist to ask for more information. Or you could also do a search on the form you see above.

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