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Flossing The Right Way

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The allegedly bad teeth of the British people has been a common American joke seen in movies and TV. But there’s probably truth to this. Even Prince Charles, the Prince of England proves is an example of one. Now there is even more reason for people to joke about their bad teeth. According to a national survey, the British have poor dental habits.

A large number of respondents said they do not floss. And instead of using a normal toothpick, they use something else like forks, accessories, a screwdriver and even knives. Let’s all hope they don’t start thinking about using an ice pick. Almost 50% of the respondents said it didn’t occur to them that they should clean in between their teeth. The English dental care community amitted their laxness in public awareness with regards to dental health.

However this does not mean that Americans are a lot better than them in terms of oral care. In fact, a large number of Americans are suffering from gum problems and tooth decay. It may not be often heard on TV, but it’s true. These may have been thought of as minor health problems,but people don’t realize  that it has the potential to cause a  more serious  disease like heart disease.

For you to keep good oral hygiene, be diligent in flossing and brushing your teeth. If some food particle is stuck in between your teeth, don’t give in to the urge of using anything within reach as toothpick. Use a real toothpick or find a dental ribbon.

The next time you hear a joke aimed at the Brit’s dental health, pause and think about yours. And don’t grab just anything to clean between your teeth.

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