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Flossing Basics From A Dental Hygienist

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When it comes to oral hygiene, the most common advice dental experts give is to floss regularly. But oftentimes we forget. It seems so hard to stick to this old adage. Do not underestimate the benefits that flossing can bring.

Brushing is not enough. Everyday, bacteria builds up in between teeth and in between teeth and gums. Flossing can clean where your toothbrush can’t. Brushing and flossing works together.

Incorporate flossing in your daily oral hygiene regimen. You can floss before or after brushing. You can use any floss. Doing it daily will make you a pro.

Here’s the right way to do it:

Wind the floss around your fingers leaving about six inches to work with. Keep it tight. If it loosens just wind it again. If you’re having a hard time you can use a flossing threader. For hard-to-reach areas, like your rear molars, follow the contours of your teeth. Tooth decay usually develops in this area. Cleaning between tight teeth is a little tough. You need to be careful not to damage sensitive tissue. Just work your way gently and slowly towards the gum line.When flossing start from the back towards your front teeth. Clean with a back and forth motion. Rinse your mouth when you’re done. Ideally, flossing should last two to three minutes. Daily flossing can greatly improve your dental health.  🙂

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