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Choose Xylitol for Better Dental Health

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If you’re one of those who love chewing gum but dread its effect on your teeth, here’s good news for you.Researchers from the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Annual Session in Cincinnati discovered a natural sweetener that reduces risk for tooth decay.

This is based on their study with children from Belize. The children who ate gum with artificial sweetener, Xylitol developed less cavities than those who ate gum with sugar. Xytlitol is a natural sweetener obtained from plants, trees and fruits that do not cause cavities.

There is another study in Finland that backs this up. Mothers in general have the tendency to feed their children from their own spoon or fork. In this process, cavity-causing bacteria is also transmitted. But according to the study, there were less mothers who chewed gum with Xylitol who transmitted baceteria to their children.

There are a lot of products available in the market that contain Xylitol. However they may not contain the ideal amount. To see results, you’d have to choose products with high amount of Xylitol, do this often and for long periods of time. Products with Xylitol are expected to be more expensive than those with sugar.

Make Xylitol your new choice. Whenever you feel like eating candies, choose those that contain Xylitol. This should give you healthier teeth with a guilt-free feeling.

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