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Are Raisins Good Or Bad For My Teeth?

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Raisins may not be viewed in the same category with candies and chocolates. They are after all, fruits and therefore not harmful to our health. Or are they? Dried fruits are not considered junk food. They are rich in fiber, anti-oxidants, resveratrol, vitamins, minerals. They are also a good source of energy. Plus they are low in cholesterol. However, if they are rich in nutrients, they are also rich in sugar and worse, they’re also sticky. These kinds of food are the primary culprits in causing tooth decay. The list is not limited to dried fruits. Sugar-rich cereals and beverage also pose high risk to the teeth.

On the other hand, raisins were also found to be rich in phytochemicals that fight bacteria and thus prevent cavities that destroy the teeth. This is according to a study by researchers from the University of Illinois, Chicago. Their study suggests that raisins contain chemicals that prevent the growth of bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease. And even if they stick on our teeth, we really shouldn’t worry because their sugar is fructose and glucose which are the healthier types of sugar.

Does this leave you confused? Whenever you’re in doubt, just eat sparingly or in little servings. But whnever you can, just opt for fresh rather than preserved. Nothing beats fresh fruits and vegetables. Whatever you eat, what’s important is that you follow it up with brushing and flossing. If you cannot brush your teeth after meals, you can rinse your mouth with warm water so food particles can be flushed out of your mouth and not cause decay. .

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