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Get the Most From Your Dental Team

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Your dental team brings are individuals with different areas of knowledge, skills and character working together towards your dental health. But in order to make this a success, this team needs one more player to complete them. The dental team has two important parts: the front and the back office. Each part has their own set of tasks to do. The front office is in charge of scheduling, record-keeping, administration tasks. They also handle financial matters. On the other hand, the back office takes care of dental care matters.

The front office personnel are the ones you talk to when you call or when you enter the office. They’re the ones who schedule your appointment. They take care of keeping and updating patient records plus all the nitty gritty administrative tasks that keep office operations running smoothly. They’re also the ones you want to talk to when it comes to financing options.

The back office team consists of dental care providers – your dentist, dental assistant and dental hygienist that provides the service that your teeth, gums or mouth needs.

As we discussed earlier, you complete this dental team. Because without your cooperation, they won’t be able to reach their ultimate goal: to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Your participation are as follows:

Maintain good oral habits like brushing and flossing. Visit your dentist regularly as recommended.

Keep yourself informed. Understand the condition of your teeth, gums and mouth or treatments that may be necessary. Know the financing plans that may be available for you to help with the dental costs.

Keep an open mind to new knowledge, procedures and technology in the field of dentistry that could be helpful to your dental health.

Your dental team has the potential to help you a lot as you take care of your dental health. Think about the kind of relationship that you want with your dental team. Think about how exactly you want them to help you as you try to secure your dental health.

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